Library Databases

Library Databases

Business and Economics

Top Picks for Students:

Business Source Ultimate
 and Regional Business News
Business Source Ultimate is the most popular and comprehensive resource. Regional Business News is a full text resource for local content. 
Mergent Online Premier and Mergent Archive (15 year)
Mergent is a top source for business and financial information, including company and industry financial ratios

Checkpoint Edge (Tax Resources)
Checkpoint is a research and documentary service for tax resources that combines in depth tax information into one database

Business and Economics Databases A to Z:
Business and financial information, trade and industry news, including local and regional business publications 
ACM Digital Library
Covers articles in computer science and related fields. Full text of items from  ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) publications, plus citations from major publishers
Business Insights: Essentials
Formerly Business & Company Resource Center. Global business, company and industry information
Business Source Ultimate and Regional Business News
Business Source Ultimate is the most popular and comprehensive resource. Regional Business News is a full text resource
Index to advanced, academic articles on the discipline of economics
International Security & Counter Terrorism
Covers security & counter-terrorism, designed to inform analysis and research

ProQuest Healthcare Administration
Health care administration resources and information covering the business aspects of health care
Database of primary legal material and secondary sources including law reviews and Amer Jur 2d, as well as other news sources 

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Frank E. Gannett Library

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